Monday, August 16, 2010

Maiiden Voyage

As I maneuvered through security with Josie and Owen, taking off jackets and shoes, taking out dvd players, cell phones, folding the stroller and sticking it through the scanner, I couldn't help but laugh. I laughed and laughed and laughed at each chaotic moment. So much so that Josie started laughing too.

Its amazing how few people actually help. I got some sympathetic smiles. Some horrified glances. And one woman traveling alone in a chanel suit that said, "well, at least you only have two."

Josie and Owen did amazingly well during the flight. But they always do well the first time we do anything because its new. It also helped that Owen plowed through not one, but two bags of Swedish fish. Boys are simple like that. I put Thomas on the DVD player and placed fish after fish on the corner of his tray table. He picked them up one after one without taking his eyes off of Thomas.

I just kept talking to Josie the entire time. Asking her every question I could think of so she wouldn't notice exactly how many minutes we were in the air. My plan worked for the most part until the man in front of us sneeze and she suddenly realized we were on the a foreign object filled with people she didn't know.

Fortunately we landed soon after and she was so excited by the thought of seeing her grandmother in cousins that she danced in her seat and jumped up and down in the aisles until it was our turn to walk off the plane.

As we walked down the aisle, my daughter, whose mind works in ways that truly amazes me, looked back while she deplaned and said, "mom, i think we should drive next time,".

"Got it captain," I said while I smiled in amusement but most of all in relief.

1 comment:

  1. These kids have given you great material...but you actually see it and know how to present it. "mom,i think we should drive next time"...that kid's too much. Funny funny funny!
