Tuesday, August 17, 2010


This morning I laughed because my sister wore her shape-ups when we walked Josie and Owen to the park. This afternoon I laughed while I watched the video of her sleeping that Cristina posted on her facebook page. But I was nowhere prepared for the laughter that came after my sister tripped while pushing the stroller today. After we realized everyone was okay of course.

As we walked up a ramp on the sidewalk, the stroller jammed. My sister tipped the stroller over and then fell on top of it. While she scrambled to get up, I got on the ground like a firefighter looking into a car flipped over on the side of the freeway. While I peered under to see if they were okay and lift up the stroller I was yelling, "they're ok. they'e ok." even before I knew that they were because I was more worried about my sister's concern than about a few scraped foreheads or punched hands. As soon as I realized the few tears being shed were due to fright, we all started laughing and really haven't stopped.

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