Sunday, August 22, 2010

First Nightgown

Josie and Owen got in bed with us this morning. Josie assumed her position sprawled out on top of me. I can't believe how big she has gotten. Just in the week that we were away, her body seemed longer, leaner and more grown up.

During the week away, she spent every possible moment wit her cousins. She was like a sponge, watching their behavior, just like she watches everyone. To absorb, learn and repeat what she finds relevant.

Her new line of the moment is "Okaaay, mom. I doing it," after I ask her to do something more than once, which is every time I ask her to do something.

Today we went to Target and got her a Disney Princess nightgown. Pink, frilly and lacier than anything I have ever worn to bed. She loved it. A nightgown was my attempt at getting her to stop removing all clothing from the waist down at night. The only thing more annoying than going to her room when she wakes up at night is going into her room and having to put her pants back on.

As I tucked her into tonight, I said, "now keep your underpants on and don't touch anything."

"Wait til you leave the room?" she asked.

"No, just don't do it ever" I said in shock that this conversation was even occuring.

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