Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Bad Decision Playbook

People often tell me I should write a book.  Well, apparently Josie, my 5 year daughter, has already written one.  It is called, "The Bad Decision Playbook." It's a cross between a memoir and a how to book.

Every time I turned around or left the room for a minute today, I returned to find my daughter making an impressive assortment of bad decisions.

The only thing she could find to wear was a dress that was two sizes too small and at the bottom of Emily's hand-me-down pile in a plastic tub in the garage.

The only thing she could think to play was a game called completely destroy my room and rip the covers off my freshly made bed.  And then, it's important, apparently, to convince your brother to play the same game.

When I thought I just couldn't take any more, I decided to brave the cold and drive them to a park.  As I put Emily in her car seat, I looked up to see Josie, who was just in the car, was not in her car seat.

The only way to end a day of bad decisions is to make one that your mom repeatedly tells you not to. That's chapter 24.

"Josie, how many times have I told you not to climb back over the seat and into the trunk. It's dangerous and annoying," I said. Hoping to get advice from a pulished author on the topic, I asked Josie, "Why do you keep making such bad decisions?"

"Because it's fun," said a little voice from the back of the mini-van.

So there lies the moral of Josie's Bad Decision Playbook.  I'm just not sure who the lesson is for - her or me.

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