Wednesday, January 16, 2013

My Second Forget...Already!

I have to say I'm a bit shocked.  It has barely been two weeks and I've already forgotten to write twice.  Of course, Emily and Owen are sick, Norm had to work late last night, the babysitter cancelled.  But I didn't even remember to sit down a the computer and write two words.  Literally, I could have just written "two words" and called it a post.

As I switched the laundry this morning and shamed myself for forgetting again, I thought for a second that maybe I should just quit.  Maybe I can't write everyday and take care of three kids.  No one could blame me.  The comment I get most often from people is, "I don't know how you find time to write." Certainly my 10 fans would understand.  Except for maybe my mom.  She would tell me to wake up at 5 and write for an hour every morning.  Good thing I don't live with her any more.

As I had pushed start on the dryer, I told myself something I tell myself every time I try on my old jeans that still don't fit.  This is me today.  I'm not exactly as skinny, well-rested, intelligent and interesting as I used to feel.  But I got a great husband and three awesome kids in exchange.  I may get back to where I used to be.  I may be better than I was before. 

But today, this is me.  Me is someone who forgot to write 2 out of the last 3 days.  I remembered today. Hopefully I will remember tomorrow. And hopefully, by June 2013 I will be able to zip up my old pair of jeans.

1 comment:

  1. You can't quit! I probably live the closest to you and see you the most often and I still love reading what you write. So if you have to get up at 5am or only write every other day I'll pester you every time I see you to keep writing.
