Sunday, January 16, 2011

Wireless Words

I wish there was a wireless connection between my brain and my computer. Because while I sat on a step stool at the side of Owen's bed, I had some great ideas for writing another story. But by the time Owen stopped screwing around and fell asleep, I had forgotten my ideas. Each and every Pulitzer prize winning thought.

I think people who work in an office don't really appreciate how lucky they are to sit at a desk and do nothing but think. Trying to work from home is so challenging because moments to think usually happen while I am cleaning up puzzles or doing the dishes. If I am lucky, I can run over the computer and type it up or jot my idea down with a crayon that I find between the cushions on the couch on a receipt that I find at the bottom of my purse.

But its worth it, I think as I cover Owen up with his blanket and kiss him gently on the cheek. Being able to sit on the step stool at the end of his bed while he peacefully falls asleep is worth losing my ideas and occasionally my mind. Because try as I may, I can't do it all, at least not all of the time.

But I could do a lot more if the thoughts went directly from my brain to my blog. As along as there was a filter somewhere in between.

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