Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Inside Corner

Josie always manages to get the inside corner. Its fascinating to watch her, especially now since Owen's running ability has improved dramatically and there's a real race to be won.

And everything is a race. It's a race to the car. It's a race up the stairs and it's a race down the slide. Yesterday, they both got jammed in the slide as they tried to go down it side by side and it took me 5 minutes to figure out how to pry them out while anxious children waited at the top of the slide. I managed to lift Owen out first and Josie was quick to point out, "that's a tie, Owen," meaning that the ultimate winner of the playground Olympics was yet to be determined.

No matter where they are running or the different obstacles in their way, Josie always, and I mean always, maneuvers her way to the inside corner. She doesn't always win but she's always on the inside.

As I watched her pull her brother's shirt and lift the brute of a boy off his feet as he tried to inch his way on the inside as they approached the corner on the playground track, I wondered how in the world she learned that being on the inside gave you the edge. Made you just a fraction of a second faster than your opponent. But I guess I should have been more concerned about where she learned to knock her opponent over if he was trying to take the inside corner away.

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