Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Rising to the Occasion

Every negative word I have ever said about my daughter has been erased in my mind. Every critical comment I have made about her naughty antics should be retracted. As we raced Owen to the doctor today because of his labored breathing and high temperature, she listened to every word I said and followed me closely like a well behaved child.

We sat in the doctor's office waiting patiently. She covered Owen's mouth when he coughed. She gently guided him away from the other children after I scolded him once for spreading his germs.

The doctor said Owen would need an extra long breathing treatment before he would let us leave the building. The oxygen in Owen's blood was dangerously low and he wanted to make sure he was breathing better before we went home.

During the ten minute treatment which seemed more like ten hours, she sat next to Owen and read him books. She brought him puzzle after puzzle and let him take the pieces out AND put them back in without even attempting to do anything herself other than make sure he was entertained and comfortable.

When the doctor came in and said it was time to stop, Josie clapped her hands and said, "Good job Owen," in a voice that was so upbeat and sweet that I couldn't even attempt to credit it to something she once heard me say.

Today when she got home from school and outings with her dad, she came right up stairs to check on him. At first she was irritated that he didn't respond to her attempts to rouse him. She didn't understand why her dad and I got more upset than usual when she body slammed him on the bed.

"He's still sick, Josie." We explained.

A few minutes later, she came back with a paper bag wrapped present of his favorite stuffed animals that she had brought from downstairs.

Josie may have her moments but I will never again doubt her ability to rise to the occasion when someone in her family needs her. She may have more nerve than a career criminal and more sass than team of cheerleaders, but when push comes to shove she puts it all aside and loves with the same level of enthusiasm that drives me crazy most days.

Its times like today when being away from family is harder than ever. Norm does more than most husbands, but even he has to work and can't always be available when it all seems too overwhelming for a little, old, mom like me. Its days like today when I miss my family and feel most alone.

While Josie entertained Owen and expressed concern while he cried, I felt like for the first time, I wasn't alone in a stressful situation. She was just as worried as I was and tried everything she could to make him happy and make him better. She wasn't another child who needed me, she was someone who was trying to help. For the first day I understood how your children can become more than just your dependents.

It almost, almost, made me want to have another one right now. And then I came back to reality while I cleaned Owen's barf off the rug for the second time today.

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