Thursday, September 16, 2010

Rainbow Rosary

There is nothing quite as humbling as moving to a new city. You quickly realize how unsettled you really are, how dumb you can be when new things have to be learned and how lost you can get, just trying to get home.

I got lost trying to get home for the third time today. Its the worst feeling in the world and I have had it several times before. When you drive home, it always seems so automatic, and your mind turns off and you think your body will just make the right stops and turns. Well, my mind turns off but my body doesn't know which way to go yet.

I took Owen to a furniture consignment store today trying to find a new couch that will fit in a quaint, geographically desirable townhome. I have been there before so should have known better than to bring him, especially on a day when he didn't get a nap. Espeicially on his birthday which I should have taken him to the park.

But here we are making the most of our few hours without Josie. I am running around the store trying to check things out and hold on to Owen. He is squirming and complaining until he manages to unzip my purse on my left shoulder and explore around.

I didn't care as long as he was quiet and held still.

I finally managed to get someone to help me with a couch that I loved everything about except for the color. The lady was looking down at my chest oddly while we were talking but I was in too much of a hurry to care.

Finally she couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Thats a very large, interesting necklace," she said.

"What?" I asked and looked down.

In all of the hassle, I hadn't realized that Owen had slipped a large, rainbow rosary over my head. I had been wearing it all around the store.

Owen beamed proudly. I turned red. "It's his," I said but that really didn't even explain the half of it.

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