Tuesday, August 3, 2010

No Thank-You Boy

I have said before that God gave me Owen to help me realize that very little of what I do as a parent affects my chidlren's behavior.

Lately, every time Owen says no, whether its in response to, "Do you want juice" or "Can you come here right now?" his consistent response is a very polite yet confident, "No thank-you" He doesn't say no often, usually eager to oblige and cooperate, but each no or shake of the head has become a soft spoken "no thank-you". Which is a sharp contrast from his sister who screams NO with every single ounce of her being every single chance that she gets.

I am savoring the "no thank-yous" because like all good things, I am sure they will come to an end. Owen has to try everything Josie does, which means sooner or later, he will try screaming being completely rude to his mother. Because while I may have very little effect on my children's behavior, his naughty sister has plenty.

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