Thursday, August 26, 2010

Happy Girl

Josie practically jumped into the car after preschool and screamed, "Guess what mom! I get to come back here!" So needless to say her first day was a huge success. I heard all about it on the way home. I don't know if I have ever seen her that happy. School is such a wonderful thing, I thought.

As the miles passed, I noticed she her happy attitude was slowly changing to a sassy attitude. Little things like singing softly while it was Owen's turn to sing. Opening up her goody back from the first day only two seconds after she promised not to. She's just tired, I thought.

We pulled into the parking lot of the grocery store our house.

"I'm getting out first," She said.

"No me!" Owen screamed.

This is great, I thought, opening my car door.

I opened Owen's door.

"I swear to god mom, I'm getting out first."

I was shocked. So shocked I almost fainted right there in the parking. I look over Owen into her eyes, which were gleaming with pride. She was sharing yet one more thing she had learned at school.

"Not a nice thing to say, Josie," I said, double checking that I hadn't said it this morning. But I was clear. It must be someone else's kid. Probably her new best friend.

I suddenly realized opening your child to the world of preschool was opening them to a whole lot more than I bargained for. Thank GOODNESS she is also starting Sunday school this week.

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