Sunday, July 11, 2010

Washing Woes

Norm and I looked at a rental property today that had a washing machine in the kitchen. And a dryer in the garage.

When deciding to sell our home and move north of San Jose, I knew that I would have to make certain compromises. Our home, while located in Morgan Hill, is a beautiful home with plenty of space and a wonderful backyard.

I figured that Josie and Owen might have to share a room, or that we might have to all share a bathroom, or that we might not have a yard. But I never even thought that I might have to carry clean, wet clothes through the kitchen, through the living room, out to the backyard, in through the garage and into the dryer. I have a hard enough time keeping pairs of socks together, and our house in Morgan Hill has a laundry room.

Norm and I left the open house with our tails between our legs. Then we drove around through Los Altos looking for "Will Rent for Free" signs. There weren't any.

We drove back to Morgan Hill and turned up the air conditioner with each passing mile. Forunately, we came back to our beautiful home and our beautiful chidren. For the first time in my life, I appreciated taking the wet clothes from the washing machine and putting them right into the dryer.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Auntie Jennie! You have to teach my mom how to feel that way whenever she loads up the laundry. I know it might be hard knowing that she has to do many, many loads and us kids are always complaining to her about it. Maybe I should start loading some laundry.
