Friday, January 4, 2013

Mama's Boy Gone Bad

Ever since Norm's Aunt Susie passed away, Josie has been obsessed with death.  Susie was the first person that Josie knew who was here one day and then gone the next.  Permanently.  And when Josie asked more probing questions about death, like "do only old people die?" "are you going to die?" "am I going to die?" I felt like I had to tell her the truth, as gently as I could make the truth about death sound.

I could write an entire blog just about the things Josie has said to me about death. I am sure some of the stories will weave their way into the blog throughout this year.  But today, Owen finally joined the conversation.  In a way that only a 4 year old boy could.

This morning, I took Emily to the doctor and Josie tagged along.  Owen stayed here and hung out with his Dad.  When the girls and I arrived home, the boys were playing the wii.  It was cute to catch my son and my husband in a moment of male bonding.  I was happy that they had the morning together.

A few hours later, Norm and Owen sat together in a leather chair watching TV.  I was a bit hurt.  Owen usually preferred to cuddle with me on the couch.

Owen looked over at me.  I was hoping he was suddenly remembering that he was in fact a total mama's boy.

"Do women die first?" Owen asked.

"Excuse me," I said, choking on my saliva.

"Are you or Daddy going to die first?" Owen asked, louder this time.

"I don't know," I said, already not liking where I knew this conversation was going to end.

"I think you should die first, because I like being with my super cool Daddy," Owen said as he put his arm around Norm.

"Owen, you can't say that..." Norm started to say.

"It's okay, Norm, let's just let it go," I said.

"Owen, they are going to die at the same time!" Josie screamed from the kitchen where she was painting and, obviously, eavesdropping.

"Enough, everyone," I said as I turned the TV up.  "This conversation is officially over."

I don't know if I was more hurt or mad or sad or amused.  I guess, most of all, I was just shocked that world's biggest mama's boy had so quickly turned into the world's littlest meanie.  That's what I get, I guess, for letting him spend the morning with his super cool dad.

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