Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Truth Hurts

I still haven't haven't given up on my mama's boy.

"Owen, who's your favorite, ,me or dad?" I asked this morning.

"Both," he said as he swooshed his finger across the iPad.

"Okay, who's funnier, me or dad?" I said scooting closer to him.

"Both," he said continuing to launch more Angry Birds.

"Who's nicer?" I asked, hoping I wasn't going to have to point out what his dad has in common with those flying birds.

"Both," he said, this time looking up with a little grin.

"C'mon," I said. "Tell me the truth!"

"I'm just saying both, so I don't hurt your feelings." He said and returned to his swooshing.

Ouch, I thought.  I need to be more careful about the questions I ask.  Truth is definitely overrated.

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