Sunday, January 27, 2013

Catch Up

It just shows you have far I've come in two years. I went days without writing and the guilt didn't affect me in any way. Thursday I went out with two mom-friends. It was the true test - the first time out together without our children - a test to see if we really do in fact like each other and are not simply Convenient Acquaintances. That was going to be my blog title Thursday night.  But I guess we had so much fun I forgot to write when I got home.

Friday was one of those days that was just a blur, probably because I was trying to readjust to the insanity of caring for three children after a night of freedom. Post-Girls-Night-Stressed-Out Disorder. That could easily have been a wonderful title for Friday's recap.

On Saturday, I woke up at 6 am, showered, helped Norm give the kids breakfast, drove to the airport, parked the car, stood in a huge security line for what seemed like hours, got a latte, barely made my flight, went to my parent's, went to my nephews baptism, a party at my parent's, back to the airport, back on a plane, back in the car and back home by 9pm. 10 years ago even just the thought of that day would have exhausted me. 3 kids later, a day like that exhilarated me.

So I'm back on track. A wonderful, quiet day at home with my family. We went to the open house of the catholic school where we might send our kids and realized that each time I go back to the school it feels more and more like where my children belong. Nothing feels better than knowing, even if just for a fleeting moment, that you've found a place where your children can thrive and where you feel like you might belong. 

My shining moment of the day was running into a few of the girls from Josie and Owen's Sunday school class. Signing up to teach the class is probably something I regret at least 3 times a week, twice on Sunday morning. When I saw Peyton and Elizabeth walking down the hall, their eyes lit up immediately. They ran to Josie and Owen and then they ran up to me. They were happy to see ME. I felt like a celebrity. I was certain that all those Sunday mornings in a cold classroom trying to explain original sin and epiphany to disinterested 4 year olds was exactly where I belonged.

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