Monday, January 3, 2011

More to Come

It seems fitting that I close out my first year of Writing for 365 a little late. All year I had planned out different things I wanted to say to close out the year. Mostly, words of gratitude to everyone who read my blog and took the time to share with me how much they enjoyed it. And I also wanted to take the time to write about what this year has meant to me - because I have learned that through writing I gain understanding.

I don't know what came first - if this year was so incredible and so it inspired some incredible stories. Or if reconnecting with my writing and my powers of observation are what made me realize how wonderful my life really is, how funny my children really are, and how supportive my husband really is.

A therapist once told me that I didn't really even need her to be in the room in order for me to make the most of our therapy experience. Because as I sat in her office and talked and talked and talked, I pretty much worked my way through to the heart of most issues, without her so much as moving an eyebrow.

And that, more than anything, is what Writing for 365 has meant to me. I have worked through the moments of my life that at the time seemed unbearable but when typed and reread are undeniably funny. A chance to record what happened and take a step back and read it with fresh eyes. And better yet, share it with others who read it with their own eyes and their own reactions.

Everyone has asked me if I am going to continue the blog. I hope that I will. I know that I will continue to write and devote the next year to trying to create a career as a professional writer.

I will use Writing for 365 as a place to write on the days when ideas come to me and I want a place to the put them down. I plan to also start another blog where I publish more polished pieces.

To follow my adventures in life and in writing, you can check out my very own web page,

Thanks to everyone who shared in my year of writing. Hopefully, there are many more to come.

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