Monday, December 27, 2010

Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon

I can't believe it. 5 whole days and not even a thought of writing or the blog or my resolution. I guess thats what happens when you are entering the home stretch. I am probably getting a little cocky. A little bold.

Or it could just be that when I walked into my parents home last Thursday, all of their furniture from upstairs was in the living room. And we all worked so hard to not only get the house back to normal but back to Christmas normal which meant a Santa had to be placed in every nook and cranny of the house.

And then it was Christmas, and then it was a house full of family, and an exhaustion like I am not used to, living alone with my little family in a town called Mountain View.

There are so many stories, so many memories from the last week. There is nothing like watching a very verbal, very open, very excited 3 year old experience Christmas and all its meanings for the very first time. And to see how much love and connection my children feel for their cousins and aunts and uncles and grandparents and friends we have known for years.

All of the exhaustion, pain and frustration that having children can cause is minimal in comparison to the joy that you get to feel when you watch their eyes light up when they walk down the stairs on Christmas morning. And those are the experiences that kept me away from the computer and happily confined to living in the Christmas moment.

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