Tuesday, November 30, 2010

To Owen

I got choked up as I watched you walk over to the trash can at Baskin-Robbins in your red pajama bottoms and fleece jacket. As you reached up to throw your cup of chocolate ice cream away, I sheepishly wiped tears from the corners of my eye. Just two months ago, you couldn't reach the trash yourself and you insisted that I come over to help.

I may not keep baby books. Or write down your first words. Or even remember how it felt when I first held you in my arms. But I will never forget the moments in recent months as I have watched you grow from my baby boy into a little man.

These are subtle moments. Moments that anyone else beside your mom would never notice. But even the way your face looked when you woke up from your long nap today was different. In just a few hours, you had grown up, just a little, but enough for your mom to notice.

In my heart, it feels like you loved me more than any boy ever loved his mom. I am sure all moms feel that way. But you are my first and maybe my only.

So I cherish every time you cry because you only want me or you lean on my shoulder while we are watching TV. Because I know soon enough these days will be passed us. And while we may share fleeting moments that remind me of how it felt to be loved by my baby boy, I know part of growing up means loving me less or at least in a more independent way.

I can't believe how much you have grown and that this growth is just the beginning. Before I forget, I just want to tell you that you were the best baby boy that I have ever loved and the best baby boy that has ever loved me in return.

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