Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday

I should have known that Josie could sense it was Black Friday. Starting at 2am, she was up every hour on the hour as she had visions of doors opening and people buying things that could have been ours. Laying in her bed under a sea of pink blankets, she tossed and turned and just couldn't sleep. She didn't know why, but she could sense a lot was happening and she wasn't there to experience it.

Its just another moment where I am fairly convinced I am raising a "Dunne" version of my mom. If we lived closer, I know each morning, Josie would be up, dressed and waiting by the door before any of us had brushed our teeth. She'd be waiting for my mom to pick her up to do whatever busy women do all day long. And she'd love every, busy moment.

Josie was thrilled when we stopped by a Christmas Tree lot on our way home from the market to pick out our tree. We didn't even think it was open yet but the man said they would sell us a tree. As the workers were busy unloading the rest of the trees, she walked right through them and set her eyes on the most perfect tree in the lot. A trait she also inherited from my mom.

Josie picked where the tree would go this year. She unwrapped all the ornaments and went through the box of christmas books and toys we save for this time of year. "REMEMBER this, Owen," She squealed as the brought out the snow globes they had gotten from Santa at a party last year. Owen just raised his eyebrows at me, as if to say, "is she nuts?"

She isn't nuts. She is just excited. As excited as any busy woman in training can be during the most "busiest" time of the year....

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