Thursday, October 14, 2010

Winding Down

I am too tired to write tonight. And I wanted to come up with another creative way to say that I am lazy, but then I looked at the calendar and realized my year of writing is coming to a close in less than three months. I know I haven't written everything I wanted write. I haven't even gotten close to realizing the true possibilities of being a writer and writing every day.

But the truth is I am tired. And I'm a mom. And sometimes moms don't get to do everything they want to do in a day. Sometimes they don't shower, and they don't brush their teeth and the only nourishment they get is from a few goldfish swimming around in the bottom of their purses.

And when they moms say they are starting a blog called and are going write every day for a year it really means they are going to write when their children don't need them. They are going to write in between ear infections and respiratory distress. They are going to write about the things that matter which usually means they are going to write about their children. And they are going to write every day because they said they would but not because its always easy.

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