Sunday, October 10, 2010


I cried today when Norm hugged us goodbye on the way out the door to his second trip in less than a week. Norm was so shocked by my tears that he didn't know quite how to react. I could see the wheels spinning in his she crying because she's mad? Did I just say something wrong? Is she crying because she misses her family? Or is she crying because she has to take care of the kids by herself for a few days.

"Are you crying?" He asked. "Why?" after I nodded my head.

"I'm just sad you are leaving." I answered between muffled mini-sobs.

Its easy for me to tell Norm all of the things he does that bother me. I just blurt them out without a moments hesitation when he slurps his cereal or says something the wrong way. But by the shocked look on his face, I could tell that I clearly don't tell him enough how happy he makes me.

For Norm, making me happy is like his second job. And he works just as hard it if not harder than he does at his own and doesn't get one cent of commission or hardly enough recognition.

In recent weeks, the move to Mountain View has made me so happy. A move that, while better for Norm in a lot of ways, Norm made happen because he was tired of seeing the sad look in my eyes every time we got off the freeway in Morgan Hill. I've been so happy in fact that I have completely forgotten how unhappy I was before.

And I have completely forgotten to thank my husband for making me so happy. To thank him being in my life and choosing me as the person he would work so hard to make happy.

Fortunately, my emotions took over today and gave Norm the affirmation he's been looking for...that I do, in fact, still love him and that every day he makes my life better, even on the days that he makes me mad. I don't really think either me or Norm realized until I was sitting on the floor crying today that Norm was the one who has made me so happy.

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