Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Girl Who Cries Everything

It's embarrassing to admit, but the last thing Josie hears before she goes to bed is, "Good night. I love you. Don't call us."

For the first few weeks of Josie being in a big girl bed, she surprisingly stayed in bed. We were so pleased she was staying in bed that we answered her beckon call each and every time just in case she figured that she could get out. And then it would all be over for me and Norm as one of us would have to sleep at the front door each night with one eye open.

"Mom. I need water."

"Dad. I need to change my PJs. I spilled water."

"Mom. The dragons are coming."

"Dad. Where are we going tomorrow?"

Norm and I would take turns going in there time after time. Night after night. Day after day.

Finally one day I begged her, pleaded with her, to just go to bed like normal children and stop thinking of a million different reasons why she needed just one more thing before she went to bed.

So each morning she didn't call us, she'd have a big smile on her face as I walked into her room to greet her.

"I didn't call you last night," she says so proud that she made it through another night with being annoying.

Every once in a while she has a slip up. A few nights in a row where she remembers the good old days and calls us over and over and over until fatigue finally sets in. Like last night. So I just have to remind her. "Don't call us," and cross my fingers that she doesn't actually need something.

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