Monday, September 6, 2010

Looking Forward

All I can think of right now, is am I really still writing this? And why am I still writing this? Hasn't the blog already served its purpose?

I've been inspired to write more. I have passed the time. Shared stories with friends and family that I would have otherwise forgotten by the time I see them next. With less than a week left of living in boring Morgan Hill, I am wondering if I still need to write any more.

The joke will be on me when I am sitting in my townhome in Mountain View just as lonely and just as lost as I was in Morgan Hill. Because lonely and lost are feelings that just come with the territory when you are living far from your family and trying to raise an almost 2 and 3 year old.

But there is an energy in Mountain View that doesn't exist in Morgan Hill. A hustle and bustle that I felt just this morning walking around the complex with Josie and Owen while Norm unloaded boxes.

We saw children riding bikes and couples drinking coffee and holding hands. We ran around the big grassy lawns and collected leaves. We sat at the picnic table and planned what we would bring for our picnic lunch next week. We planned lots of things that we would explore around our new home because we won't have a backyard of our own any more. But we will have a whole new world to explore.

There is a light rail train that runs by our house every 10 minutes. The sound of bell even excites me and Josie and Owen squeal with even more excitement because they can see a train through the tree from our living room window. I still don't know exactly where the train goes or exactly how loud it will sound as I lay in my bed trying to sleep. But at least its something to look forward to, other than the smell of fresh garlic in the air.

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