Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Other Room

Today was one of those days when I thought a lot about how much has changed in a year. How far we have all come. How quickly the time passes when you measure it by the growth of your children.

I decided to take Josie and Owen to story time at the library. The last time I took them both it was almost a year ago. Owen was crawling on tables and ripping books out of the hands of unsuspecting, literate toddlers while Josie was running down the aisles with one hand outstretched knocking down book after book like she was on a shopping spree and the books were 100 for the price of 1.

I was reminded of how long its been when I saw a young girl who was there last time. She didn't look that different but I was shocked when I saw her brother. Last time I saw him he was only a few weeks old and now he was walking around in the front while the old librarian reading the story stopped and whispered harshly for him to stop stepping on the other children. I didn't even know the newborn-turned-toddler's name, but I still felt sad that time had passed so quickly.

We actually made it through most of story time. Josie and Owen sat close to each other and paid attention. After they walked somewhat quietly through the library and sat at the table in the kids section reading books that they put away after they finished. The last year has been such a whirlwind that I hardly remember a thing. But sitting at the same place with children who were actually behaving took me back to how different things were just a short time ago.

Another major milestone is that I am sitting in one room writing while Josie and Owen are playing peacefully with playdough in another room. I never thought I would get here and now it's a little sad to sit here and realize they don't really need me any more.

"Mom!" Josie just called from the other room. "Owen pooped. Go change him in the other room"

I walked in and before I could get close enough to Owen to check, he put up one chubby finger and said, "Stop. I'm still pooping."

"Go poop in the other room." Josie said while she pressed down into her playdough with a star shaped cookie cutter.

I threw my hands in the air and walked out of the room. I don't even recognize these two kids, I thought to myself. And I don't even know if I really like them.

"Owen. You done yet?" I hear Josie ask in the irritated tone sisters reserve for their little brothers.

I better go back and ask Owen if he is ready to be changed. In the other room.

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