Monday, July 5, 2010

Low Battery

The battery on the laptop is almost at zero. Its a race againts the clock. But there is no way I am getting up to plug the computer in. That would require much energy and allow for too much writing.

I learned today to never make cupcakes before nap as Josie is still in her room going on more than an hour crying. At first it was cute as she chanted, "Cupcakes! Cupcakes" and clapped her hands in a precise rhythm that she most certainly inherited from my side of the family. Then it turned to sadness, rage and complete exhaustion.

Fortunately, Norm is home so it's his turn to go in and figure out a way to get her to go to sleep.

So I sit down to finally write and realize I have been dealing with Josie for so long that the battery is almost dead. One of the downfalls of not simply using a paper and pen. Because then I could sit and write for hours with no batters, no cords and nothing to stop me.

The low battery bubble just popped out which means I only have a minute or two left. As I finish the blog for today I feel very fortunate to be a modern writer in 2010. We may have lights and be able to write in the dark, but we also have batteries that eventually allow us to stop writing and do something else.

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