Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Big Kid Track

Josie was very disappointed during our trip to the children's museum today. There were two sections for bike riding. After several failed attempts at riding the big kid bikes, she was banished to the tot track.

She and Owen put on their helmets without a fight. Josie rode around the tot track a few times before she stopped to admire the older kids racing rapidly around their track.

Only a row of tall orange cones separated the two tracks but to most children it was the equivalent of a giant cement wall.

Not to my daughter. She maneuvered her bike over to the orange cones in the back. Like the horrible parent that I am, I stood back and watched my little rebel in action.

She got off her bike and one by one lifted just enough cones to sneak her toddler bike onto the big kid track. She rode around for a minute or two before someone noticed and looked around for the bad parent who let her brake the rules.

"I'm right here." I called out and the women directed Josie and her toddler bike my way.

Josie beamed as she rode across the big kid track. She rode back to where you park the toddler bikes, jumped off the bike, removed her helmet and put it back right where it belonged. At that moment I was the proudest mother of the naughtiest daughter in the whole museum.

1 comment:

  1. Josie's the boss! She is turning into one of those big kids already. Just wait, she will be riding on that track very soon.
