Monday, June 28, 2010

Simple Celebration

I'd like to remember today as the day that Josie finished her first ice cream cone. I realize its not a nutritional triumph or something that most parents would celebrate. But for a moment I was proud. And Norm was proud. And Josie even beamed a little. Owen, caught up in the excitement, raised his hands and said "hooray" for no other reason than just wanting to be a part of the moment.

I think my excitment really was rooted in the fact that Josie actually sat in the same place and concentrated on the ice cream cone long enough to eat it from top to bottom. That she was able to savor it long enough to allow the ice cream to soak into her sugar cone so that the usually tasteless cardboard like cone became a soft and sweet delicacy.

I don't remember Josie's first word. I didn't save a lock of hair from her first hair cut. And I was probably watching TV when she took her first steps. But I think I will always remember the day she ate her first ice cream. Because as the four of us sat here quietly in same room enjoying the cool breeze that finally arrived after a hot day, it felt very special to be celebrating something simple.

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